Accommodation during the Conference is provided at Grandhotel Praha. Booking is an individual responsibility. For reservations, please mention "ESAS2012-SCSC". The organizing committee has arranged special prices for Conference participants. Please use e-mail to book your accommodation, because the Grandhotel Praha online booking system does not offer the reduced prices.

  Price for room Price for person
Double room 80 EUR 40 EUR
Double room - single use 60 EUR 60 EUR
Triple room 90 EUR 30 EUR

Breakfast is included in the room price.

Lunches and dinners will be served on conference venue - Grandhotel Praha. The prices are specified in the Application, deadlines and fees .


Address: Vysoké Tatry, 059 60 Slovakia

Telephone: +421 / 52 / 446 79 41-4

Fax: +421 / 52 / 446 78 91
